Each year, curriculum of the specializations of higher education institutions is analyzed and clustered to prepare for admission examination to graduate level of education: test items and admission programs on each direction of specialization are developed and reviewed carefully following all test development policy and procedures. To enlighten the public and applicants, the admission programs are published in “Magistr” (Graduate Student) journal. All the set of materials published in this journal are prepared by the teaching staff of the relevant departments of higher education institutions under the guidance of the SEC.
Admission is regulated by the "Rules of admission to master's programs of higher education institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences" approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 8, 2017 No. 40. According to the rules, applicants with bachelors degree have the right to be admitted to the master's degree.
Applicants’ logical thinking, computer science and foreign language skills are tested in the admission exam for the master's degree. Applicants are given 50 questions on logical thinking, 25 questions on foreign languages and 25 questions on computer science. The last 5 questions in each block are open-ended questions. Applicants have 3 hours to answer the exam questions. Each correct answer fetches 1 mark.
Applicants who meet the requirements set by the State Examination Center can participate in the admission process.
Bachelor applicants enter their preferred majors to the online application on a specified date and in the order they want. Applicants confirm their applications after selecting funding of the education (either by state order or private funding).