Agil Shirinov

Rector of Azerbaijan Institute of Theology

PhD in Islamic Theology and Medieval Philosophy
Assistant Professor at the Department of Religious Studies/ Azerbaijan Institute of Theology
Ahmed Jamil 41 A/Yasamal/Baku
00 99412 510-65-45
Email- [email protected]
[email protected]


Date of birth: 1979
Citizenship: Azerbaijani
Languages: Azerbaijani (native), Turkish (near native), English (fluent), Arabic (fluent), Russian (good), Persian (good)


2008 -2018 Associate Professor of the History of Islamic Denominations and the Medieval Islamic Philosophy
2016-2020 Head of Department of Preaching at Caucasus Muslim Board
2018-2020 Vice-Rector of Azerbaijan Institute of Theology
2020 Rector of Azerbaijan Institute of Theology

2020 September, Azerbaijani representative for European Council Working Group on Intercultural Integration


2003-2007 PhD in Islamic Theology (Philosophical Theology), University of Marmara, Turkey
Thesis Subject: Existence and Diety in Nasir al-din al-Tusi’s Thought
2001-2003 MA in the History of Islamic Sects, University of Marmara, Turkey
Thesis Subject: Extremist Groups (Ghulat) and Their Doctrines According to the Literature on the History of Islamic Denominations
1996-2001 BA in Islamic Studies, Baku State University, Azerbaijan


2011 Library of Congress, Exchange Visitor Program on “Religious Toleration” 4-14 May, 2011, USA
2001-2003 Turkish Religious Foundation MA Scholarship in Turkey
2003-2008 Turkish Religious Foundation Ph.D. Scholarship in Turkey
2009-2010 Turkish Religious Foundation Foreign Language Learning Scholarship in Cambridge/UK
2016 (4-25 July) Global Fellowship for Multi-Faith and Multicultural Engagement at Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago IL/USA


2012 The Existence and Deity in Nasiruddin Tusi`s Thought [Nasiruddin Tusi`de Varlık ve Uluhiyet]- , Istanbul, 2012, ISAM
2013 Islamic Philosophy: History and Problems [İslâm Felsefesi: Tarih ve Problemler], ed. M. Cüneyt Kaya, Istanbul, 2013, 869- co-author
2013 Fakhr al-Dīn al Rāzī In the Age of the Transformation of Islamic Tought [İslâm Düşüncesinin Dönüşüm Çağında Fahreddin er-Rāzī], ed. Ömer Türker, Osman Demir, Istanbul: İSAM Yayınları, 2013, 635 pages- co-author
2015 Tradition of Tolerance in Azerbaijan [Azərbaycanda tolerantlıq ənənəsi], Baku, 2015, 157 page – co-author
2015 Religious Radicalism and Its Negative Effects, Baku, 2015, 64 pages
2016 Religious Radicalism: Its History, Reasons for Its Formation and Its Effects [Dini radikalizm: tarixi, yaranma səbəbləri və fəsadları], Baku, 2016, 223 pages – co- author
2018 Reasons for the Formation of Religious Radicalism and Its Historical Roots in the Islamic World [İslam dünyasında dini radikalizmin yaranma səbəbləri və tarixi kökləri], Baku, 2018, 75 pages.


2008 “The Philosophical Kalam and Nasir al-Din al-Tusi” [Fəlsəfi Kəlam və Nəsirəddin Tusi], BDU-nin İlahiyyat Fakültəsinin Elmi Məcmuəsi (The journal of the faculty of Theology-Baku State University), No. 9, Aprel, pp. 194-210.
2008 “The Problem of Creation in Islamic Theology” [İslam teologiyasinda yaradılış problemi]- (in Turkish)”, Fəlsəfə və sosial-siyasi elmlər- The Journal of Philosophy and Socio-political sciences, Vol. 4, No. 22, Baku: AFSEA, pp. 78-90.
2008 “The Possibility of a Category Between Existence and Non-existence According to Nasir al-Din al-Tusi: The Theory of Ahwal [Nasiruddin Tusi`ye Göre Varlıkla Yokluk Arasında Üçüncü Bir Kategorinin İmkanı: Ahval], Language and Literature, 5(65), Baku, pp.70-72
2009 “The Notion of Takfir (declaring someone a kafir-unbeliever) in The History of Islamic Denominations [Islam Məzhəbləri Tarixində Təkfir], BDU-nin İlahiyyat Fakültəsinin Elmi Məcmuəsi (The Journal of the Faculty of Theology-Baku State University), No. 11, April, pp. 172-190
2010 “The problem of Creation in Islamic Theology” [Kəlama Görə Aləmin Yaradılışı], BDU-nin İlahiyyat Fakültəsinin Elmi Məcmuəsi (The Journal of the Faculty of Theology-Baku State University), No 13, April, Nurlar Nəşriyyatı, Baku 2010, pp. 115-130
2012 “The Peripatecism of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi”, BDU-nin İlahiyyat Fakültəsinin Elmi Məcmuəsi (The Journal of the Faculty of Theology-Baku State University), Baku 2012, pp. 45-52
2012 “Mind-Body Relationship in the History of Philosophy” [Fəlsəfə Tarixində Ruh-Bədən Əlaqəsi Problemi], Fəlsəfə və sosial-siyasi elmlər- The Journal of Philosophy and Socio-political sciences, No. 1 (33), Bakı: AFSEA, 2012, pp. 35-48
2013 – “The Role of Ahl al-bait Heritage in the Formation of Tolerant Environment in Azerbaijan” [Azərbaycanda tolerant mühitin formalaşmasında Əhli-beyt irsinin rolu], Azerbaijan and the Heritage of Ahl al-bait, Baku: Elm və təhsil, 2013, səh.12-21
2014 The Sufi Order of Khalwatiyya [Xəlvətiyyə təriqəti], BDU-nin İlahiyyat Fakültəsinin Elmi Məcmuəsi (The Journal of the Faculty of Theology-Baku State University), Baku 2014, pp. 7-18 – Co-author
2014 [Azərbaycanda ənənəvi islami cərəyanlar] “Traditional Islamic Denominations in Azerbaijan”, Azərbaycanda ənənəvi din – Traditional Religion in Azerbaijan , Baku: Elm və təhsil, 2014, pp. 31-46
2015 [Azərbaycanlı kəlamçılar] Azerbaijani Theologians (in Medieval Ages)”, “Traditional Islamic Denominations in Azerbaijan”, Azərbaycanda ənənəvi din – Traditional Religion in Azerbaijan , Baku: Elm və təhsil, 2014, pp. 82-115
2017 [Suffering For The Sake Of Cosmic Order: Twelver Shīʿah Islam’s Coping With Trauma] (co-author: Bahram Hasanov), Ilahiyat Studies, Volume 8, Number 1, Bursa 2017, pp.65-93.
Book Review
2002 “Review of the book by Nahide Bozkurt called `The Period of al-Mamun: The Golden Age of Mutazila” [Nahide Bozkurtun “Mu’tezile’nin Altın Çağı Me’mûn Dönemi” adlı əsərinin dəyərləndirilməsi] , İSAM (İslam Araştırmaları Merkezi) dergisi, Istanbul, 2002, VIII, pp. 138-141


2008 “The Aviccenism of Fakhr al-din al-Razi and Nasir al-din al-Tusi”, [Fahreddin er-Razi ve Nasiruddin et-Tusi`nin Ibnsinacılığı], International Ibn Sina Symposium Papers (May 22-24, 2008), Istanbul, II, 275-284;
2010 “The Place of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi in the Kalamic Tradition” [Fahreddin er-Razi`nin Kelam Geleneğindeki Yeri], Fakhr al-Din al-Razi Symposium, (December 24-26 2010 in Istanbul)
2011 “Dialogue between Philosophy and Sufism (In The Example of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi and Sadr al-Din al-Konawi) ” [Felsefe-Tasavvuf Diyaloğu- Nasiruddin et-Tûsî-Sadreddin el-Konevî örneğinde], II Beynəlxalq Sədrəddin Konəvi Simpoziumu- Second International Sadr al-din al-Qunawi Symposium, Konya, 2011
2012 “Isharat Tradition in Medieval Islamic Peripatetism” [Orta Əsr İslam Peripatetizmində İşarat Ənənəsi və Azərbaycan], Şərqşunaslığının aktual problemləri, Respublika Elmi konferansının materialları – Papers of Academic Conference on the Current Problems of Oriental Studies, 14-15 November, 2012, Baku, pp. 369-371
2012 Tolerance in Azerbaijan, State and Religion: Strengthening Tolerance İn a Changing World (Abstracts)-First İnterantional Baku Forum, 19-21 December, Maya Basim Publishing House, Istanbul, 2012, p. 32
2013 Seyid Yahya Bakuvi (Shirvani): Parlance of Tolerance (İnternationla Symposium), 22 October 2013, UNESCO, Paris -Moderator
2014 “The Role of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi in the Formation of Philosophy-Theology Relations” [13. Yüzyılda Felsefe-Kelam İlişkisinin Şekillenmesinde Nasiruddin Tusinin rolu], Beynəlxalq “13. Yüzyılda Felsefe” simpoziumu məqalələri (bildirileri) – Papers of International Symposium on `Philosophy in 13th Century`, ed. Murat Demirkol-Enes Kala, Ankara, 2014, pp. 663-670
2016 “The Role of Sufi-Irfan Tradition in the Formation of the Tradition of Coexistence in Azerbaijan”, [Azərbaycanda birgəyaşayış ənənəsinin formalaşmasında irfan-təsəvvüf ənənəsinin rolu], Mədəni müxtəliflik: Dünya və Azərbaycan (Beynəlxalq elmi-praktik konfrans) – International Conference called `Cultural Diversity: World and Azerbaijan `, Bakı, 2016, pp. 123-126

Rector's assistant

Emin Orujov

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